I'm looking for a safe place to talk about my drinking problem. drug addiction. loved ones problem.
6643 West Montgomery Rd, Houston TX 77092 713.956.4131
One Day At A Time - Easy Does It
Start A Meeting Or A Group
Regular members are those members of Alcoholics Anonymous and any twelve step program with (30) days of continuous sobriety and have expressed a desire to join and have paid at minimum the one month dues.
Download Form and email to [email protected]
The Heights Recovery Club is a nonprofit Texas Corporation established to maintain a primary purpose of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous "to carry the message..." by providing meeting facilities for AA and all Recovery groups following the AA guidelines and Traditions in Houston
New Meetings Welcomed
Why Bring Your Group To OUR Building?
If you have a AA or Al-Anon group or meeting that follows the twelve steps and traditions looking for a new space. Or perhaps you have an idea to start one. Let us know.
Heights Recovery Club - our home
new meetings welcome
If you have a AA or Al-Anon group or meeting that follows the twelve steps and traditions looking for a new space. Or perhaps you have an idea to start one. Let us know.
location, location,location
Our new location allows us to continue to grow and serve Houston's' Recovery communities . Please come by for a visit or drop into one of our daily meetings. 6643 W. Montgomery Rd. Houston Tx 77092 713.956.4131
Hospitality Lounge
Coffee is flowing - Enjoy a cup in our hospitality lounge and learn about our Discussions, Steps, Literature, Speakers, Meditate and Art and Old Timers and YOGA! Meetings. We want to help you find a place in our Home.
We Are Your Neighbors
The space is conveniently located, just blocks from the Heights, Oak Forest, Garden Oaks, Montrose, Timber Grove & Spring Branch. Nestled in Acres Homes .8 miles West of N. Sheppard.
Service Opportunities
JOIN US & MAKE A DIFFERENCE! • Become A Member • Lead A Meeting • Sit On A Committee • Help With Fundraising • Sponsor A Fellow • Come To A Meeting
In keeping with A.A.'s Seventh Tradition of self support, we ask all A.A. and 12 Step Members to please make a donation below:
You may also donate directly to your group or meeting using VENMO orSquare. Our Venmo address is @Heightsclubhouston – please make a note of day/time of meeting or group name AA or Al-Anon.
The Heights Club appreciates your support. Please join us in becoming a member, making a donation, participating in our fundraisers, supporting our groups and meetings, and continuing to be a part of our community. Please clarify if a Club donations v 7th tradition
You couldn't get in better hands
Our 2024-25 Board of Directors
A 10 person board of trustees is elected from its membership each July. Requirements to serve include 2 years of continuous sobriety and membership in good standing. Board positions may vary but should include Chair Person, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Fundraising positions.
If you have a question or need help from the board of trustees please contact [email protected]
This is NON AA related e-mail. Please call or reach out to an individual member for our AA work
Chairman Dudley R. 713-816-1978. [email protected]
Vice Chair Audie M. 832-969-5636. [email protected]
Secretary Gordon W 832-206-3399 [email protected]
Treasure Alice B. 713.447-7624 [email protected]
Fund Raising Fallon G. 346-933-2021 [email protected]
Membership Sylvester F. 817-881-3580 [email protected]
Board Member Danny M. 713-408-2384 [email protected]
Board Member Keith P. 713-306-2883. [email protected]
We're here for you!
Our Location
Our location allows us to continue to grow and serve Houston’s’ Recovery communities AA, NA, ACOA, HOW, DAA, S.L.A.A, AL-Anon, etc. Please come by for a visit or drop into one of our daily meetings. If you are in the area come on in and just say “hi
5151 Mitchelldale St B10
Houston, TX 77092
475 Riverside Dr Floor 11
NY, NY 10115
Work with us because
We Love Our Houston Recovery Communities
HOUSTON 12 Step recovery groups in our club
oldtimers behaving badly aa group
Noon North Heights recovery AA Group
Language of the heart aa group
big book study north heights recovery Ca group
women do recover aa group
bill and bob eat and speak aa group
Sexual freedom S.L.A.A. Group
North Heights recovery ca group
we recover a c of a group
easy living alanon group
save your ass na group
grapevine aa group
The only club in Houston that WELCOMES ALL AA based groups.
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